Overview |
(and its elder brother NuGraf) are stand-alone
programs which were written with
one purpose in mind: to produce
the most mathematically accurate, error free and robust conversions between
all major 3D CAD, DCC, VR/AR and VisSim file formats. PolyTrans
was the first such program to market and
hence has a long standing reputation of
providing quality conversions as well as top
notch technical support
from its development team.
Common Solutions & Benefits |
- The 'go to' tool for 80-98% reduction of CAD models for VR/AR in Unity, Unreal Engine, Microsoft HoloLens, Oculus Rift and under-powered tablet devices.
- Converts entire
scene files, including meshes with holes, trimmed NURBS, crack-free BREP solids CAD files,
animation (format specific), pivot points,
vertex normals, U/V tangent vectors,
vertex colors, texture coordinates, textures, lights & cameras.
- Converts & optimizes all major CAD formats
to 3ds Max, Maya, CINEMA 4D, LightWave, Blender, OpenFlight and dozens more file
formats and 3D programs (full list on WEB site).
- No CAD model rebuilding necessary. Just import the CAD data as proper "BREP solids" geometry, convert & start your production work.
- Cross-converts between all major animation
packages and 3D file formats with true robustness & quality.
- Publish to WEB streaming file formats such
as DirectX, COLLADA, DWF-3D, HOOPS HSF, SketchUp (Google 3D Warehouse), U3D, XAML-3D & VRML1+2+X3D. Embed U3D in PDF files.
Others in development at all times.
- Highly refined & popular bidirectional 3ds Max <-> Maya pipeline via
native plug-ins, with well over three decades of development.
- The one and only professional 3D conversion program with native CINEMA-4D .c4d support (Okino has been MAXON's primary CAD conversion provider for over 3 decades).
- Very popular solution for ProE/Creo, SolidWorks, STEP, etc. to DCC conversions -- they just work flawlessly.
- Acts as a "stepping stone" to allow for massive
CAD assemblies to be downsized in PolyTrans
first before import into downstream D.C.C
applications. This is one of Okino's core specialities, specifically for handling of super-massive oil & gas rigs, drilling platforms & 3D plants.
- Import and compose 3D scenes from a plethora
of 2D/3D file formats then render out
to high quality images for print media,
WEB presentations, training manuals,
or marketing brochures.
- 30+ year development. Personal and dedicated hands on support direct from the Okino developers.
- Solid, robust solution used around the world
by most major companies and professionals.
- Easily develop new plug-in modules such
import/export, renderers, modelers, etc.
Mesh & scene processing toolset including robust polygon reduction system and "parts count optimizer" for top-heavy CAD assemblies.
Salient Features |
- Very stong & refined support for all major CAD file formats.
- Optimized since its inception to handle super-massive
3D datasets, such as 500,000 node
scenes and hundreds of millions of polygons.
- An excellent set of robust and well refined tools to deal with the pruning, reduction and node compression of very large source files, including the
Okino CAD-centric polygon reduction system.
- Bidirectional conversions between all D.C.C (animation and digital content creation) programs.
- Tolerance-based, error-free animation conversion and top notch smooth skinned
mesh & skeleton conversion amongst 3ds Max, Maya, CINEMA 4D, LightWave, Collada, FBX, DirectX, U3D, more.
- Photo-realistic rendering, material editing,
texture parameter editing and scene composition
(ray tracer in Okino's NuGraf
only). Handles very large CAD datasets.
- ‘Document-centric’ architecture,
extensive user
interface plug-in API, and 2D/3D import/export API.
- NVIDIA & AMD real-time shader support,
third generation OpenGL support.
- “PolyTrans-for-3dsmax” and “PolyTrans-for-Maya”.
- NuGraf only: Caustics, an amazing
lens flare system & sunlight calculator.
- An industry standard for plug-in converter SDK development.
Third party developers can create 3D
import/export converters, system plug-ins,
renderers and many more. Stable and completely
refined. Used by dozens of leading 3D
software companies.
- Complete list of features, file formats,
brochures, user list and demos available
on the Okino WEB site.
Supported 2D and 3D File Formats |
3D Import File Formats:
3ds Max (via PolyTrans-for-3dsMax),
Maya (via PolyTrans-for-Maya),
Adobe Illustrator,
Autodesk Inventor,
Biovision BVH and Acclaim motion capture,
DGN (MicroStation),
DWF-3D (AutoCAD, Navisworks, Revit and Inventor),
Electric Image FACT,
IGES (BREP solids & surfaces),
Okino native BDF,
PARASOLID (BREP solids & surfaces),
PDB (protein database),
ProE/Creo (using real PTC ProE/Creo, not reverse engineered software),
SGI-Inventor2 & VRML1,
Solid Edge,
STEP (BREP solids & surfaces),
U3D (from PDF),
USGS DEM & Gtopo-30,
Wavefront OBJ (Full NURBS + Polygons) and
Contact Okino for support on these or other formats as this list changes over time.
3D Export File Formats:
3ds Max (via PolyTrans-for-3dsMax),
Maya (via PolyTrans-for-Maya),
DGN (MicroStation),
FBX (for Unity. Unreal Engine, MODO),
Okino native BDF,
U3D (for 3D-PDF),
Wavefront OBJ and
Contact Okino for support on these or other formats as this list changes over time.
Bitmap File Formats: These are used during the
automatic bitmap conversion process of the associated 3D import/export converters. TIFF, JPEG, BMP, SGI,
GIF, IFF LightWave, IFF Maya, PIC
(Softimage), PIX (Maya), PNG,
PPM, PSD (photoshop)
and Targa. Additional LeadTools supported bitmap
file formats: AFP, BMP, CMP, CUT, EPS, EXIF,
PolyTrans-for-3ds-Max, PolyTrans-for-Maya |
These two special, native plug-in versions of PolyTrans
run inside
3ds Max and Maya.
For well over
3 decades they have provided
the industry standard for
add-on 3D CAD, DCC and VisSim converters
inside of 3ds Max and Maya. This is one
of the most popular aspects of PolyTrans
in the D.C.C. community. PolyTrans-for-Maya
is available via the "DCC/Pack" license. Note: Okino natively supports CINEMA 4D (.c4d), LightWave (lws/lwo) and Softimage (XSI) (dotXSI) file formats so no native plug-in modules are needed for those animation programs.
Popular uses include import of all CAD file formats into 3ds Max and Maya (SolidWorks, ProE/Creo native, STEP, IGES and dozens more), bidirectional conversion of complete scenes between 3ds Max and Maya, cross conversion of OpenFlight VizSim databases, cross conversion of DirectX files with skinning, excellent bidirectional LightWave conversions, and many more long established problem-solving solutions for 3ds Max and Maya users.
Optional Add-On Modules |
Several advanced but optional add-on modules are available (others may also be available):
- CAD/Pack - Includes Autodesk Inventor importer, DWF-3D importer/exporter (100% perfect, refined and robust for AutoCAD, Navisworks, Revit and Inventor conversions), DWG
importer/exporter, Solid Edge import and SolidWorks import.
- DCC/Pack - Includes PolyTrans-for-Maya native plug-in system and OpenFlight import/export.
- Granite/Pack -
Includes PTC Granite BREP solids-based (crack free) CAD importer
ProE/Creo native parts & assemblies, IGES (solids), Parasolid & STEP.
Also includes Okino surface-based IGES importer as a complement to the solids-based PTC IGES importer.
Note: this is the main software available on the market which imports native, encrypted
PTC ProE/Creo files using a real, licensed copy of ProE/Creo Granite from PTC. Rock solid!
- CATIA v4 - Import from native CATIA v4 .model files.
- CATIA v5 - Import from native CATIA v5 .catProduct and .catPart files. Utilizes the actual Dassault CATIA v5 runtime system ensuring 100% fidelity -- it doesn't get any better.
- JT Open - Import and eport native JT CAD files, using the offical JT Open implementation. Licensed as either the JT importer, or the JT importer+exporter.
Customer Testimonials |
- "PolyTrans is a true 'workhorse' application.
I've used it frequently on very large
files and it has not choked, crashed, or needed to
be reinstalled in years, and this is on Mac OSX running Parallels
This software has become the indispensible hub of my
daily work." Mark Banas, MAB3D.com
- " We purchased PolyTrans and used it
for 3D data conversion and optimization
of datasets created for the NASA MER
space program (Mars
Exploration Rover Mission). It is fantastic
software. My colleagues at another NASA
center spent days using three software
packages on
what took me minutes using PolyTrans
alone (polygon reduction in batch mode
worked like
a charm). I just wanted to thank you
for creating such a great tool." Boris
Rabin, Visualization Development Lead,
NASA/Ames Research Center,
FutreFlight Central.
- " I very rarely praise a piece of software
but PolyTrans is nothing short of excellent
and is the most used piece of software in our
department. It is generally accepted within
the modelling and graphics team that PolyTrans
greatly improves our work flow and efficiency
particularly with the seemless plugin to Maya
and the accurate conversion from one format
to another in either graphics or geometry. We
would be lost without it." Lazaros Kastanis,
immersive visualisation specialist, University
of Queensland's Advanced Computational Modelling
And the primary reason that Okino customers purchase our software has always been the
close working relationship we strive to create with each and everyone:
- "Support from Okino's CTO is second to none - his in-depth background knowledge of how various file formats have evolved is staggering. The software has proven its worth across many jobs here at my desk time and time again." -- Boeing USA
- "Thank you for all your assistance. I've never experienced this level of detail in pre-sales help. You've made us customers for life." -- Schneider Electric USA
- "As usual, I'm blown away by your excellent communication, and unbelievably prompt customer service. Your professionalism and knowledge always impress." -- Dell Computers
- "As always you're customer support is like no other!" -- Otter Products
- "I must say that I am always very impressed with your in-depth support. You really care about your clients and I wish that other companies would show the same dedication." -- Two West GmbH
- "I appreciate your support, both in knowledge and in quick response. Rare these days." -- Honeywell USA
- "Thank you for the prompt and thorough customer support which is IMO the best support in the industry. You make transcoding files fun rather than the pain it once was." -- AECOM
- "You are awesome! I have never encountered such quick and knowledgeable technical support from a company." -- BAE Systems USA
- "This is the best customer service I have had in 18 years of programming." -- STI Design Center, IBM
- "WOW! This is the best answer in any email I have ever had! Thank you for taking the time to go into such detail about everything!" -- R2S Visual Asset Management
- "Thank you for your great support - I frankly never experienced this high level of commitment for customer satifsfaction! -- Gegenschuss Filmproduktion
- "Your in-depth and thorough explanation/education was a joy to read. I truly enjoyed the education. -- NVision4D
- "I always do appreciate the well written responses. So rare for people to actually read an email completely, never mind respond with careful thought. -- Igloo Innovations
- "Thank you very much for your dedicated help. It is a big plus to have someone really caring about their software and being so passionate about solving issues with it or to clarify misconceptions -- Seitwerk
- "Thank you very much for your helpful support and for your detailed explanations - this could not be taken for granted inside this business. I also do agree with your philosophy to sell the clients rather what they need than to comply uncritically with all their imprecise wishes. -- Deutschewerbewelt GmbH
- "Amazing emails....I do truly enjoy absorbing the amount of information you are putting in these! -- Atlantis Cyberspace
- "I have to admit you blow my mind with your explanations. You must be the worlds foremost expert at what you do as I doubt there is anyone more knowledgeable. -- Mettler-Toledo