Overview and Introduction to the List of Supported File Formats
I want to convert from
I want to learn how to convert
To learn of the 'Best Practices' to import from our most popular 3D CAD file formats, click here.
General Information
PolyTrans (and its bigger brother 'NuGraf') provide a complete set of precise and quality import/export
converters for the most popular industry standard 3D model formats. The
design philosophy behind their development has been to create
a set of ideal translators that can convert entire files from one format to
another in a manner such that the exported file can be loaded
and rendered in a target animation system with little or no changes necessary.
For those wary of the capabilities of a 3D data translation product, consider
that the Okino supported file formats listed on this page are in continuous
use around the world for every conceivable type of professional
3D activity,
ranging from conversions for online 3D model databases, to movie production,
to multi-media content development, to 3D game development and so forth.
As such the converter implementations are stable and well tested. You can
test the converters for yourself by downloading the demos from the links
shown above.
As a statement of our commitment to this development process, we typically
allocate several years to the development, evolution and
refinement of each converter-set until they closely mimic the source/destination
animation system. Most of our converters have been in continual development
and refinement for well over 25 to 30+ years. As such are well tested and used throughout the world.
What Converters Do I Ideally Need?
Okino software is tailored to each and every customer for their specific conversion
requirements. Hence, please do not go searching through this online file format list to see if you
can locate a converter for what you feel is required. Rather, the method in which all Okino software
is sold is first to send a short email to our CTO, Robert Lansdale,
with a quick overview of your source + destination 3D program and file format(s). If you mention IGES, STEP
or Parasolid then please also find out the actual source MCAD program (which will most often be
ProE/Creo, SolidWorks, Inventor, Unigraphics NX, Solid Edge or CATIA). In return, Robert Lansdale will
explain the exact Okino converters to be used and the proper manner in which to request files from
any third party vendors.
Looking for the Supported File Format Lists?
If you have reached this paragraph and are still looking for the list of supported 2D and 3D file formats, please click one
of the light blue tabs or links shown near the top of this page.