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Supported File Formats
SpaceClaim to PLY
How to convert SpaceClaim (.scdoc) to PLY (Stanford .ply)?PolyTrans|CAD+DCC performs mathematically precise CAD, DCC/Animation, GIS and BIM 3D file conversions into all key downstream 3D packages and file formats. Okino software is used and trusted throughout the world by many tens of thousands of 3D professionals in mission & production critical environments, backed by respectable personal support directly from our core development team. |
SpaceClaim SpaceClaim is a multipurpose 3-D solids modeling application providing efficient solutions to common modeling tasks. Built on the direct modeling technology, SpaceClaim removes geometry problems associated with various 3-D CAD operations, such as design or concept modeling, repair of translated CAD files, general model defeaturing, and complete model editing. SpaceClaim provides for a good selection of 3D import and export file formats (which can be found on their "SpaceClaim supported formats" PDF file). Exporting from SpaceClaim into Okino software can be done with any number of 3D file formats such as: ACIS SAT, IGES (186-entities is best), JT, Parasolid x_t, Rhino 3dm, SketchUp, STEP, VRML or Wavefront OBJ. Out of this list a safe bet would be to use STEP AP214, IGES BREP solids (186-entities) or JT CAD files. For non-CAD files, either VRML2 or Wavefront OBJ. Exporting from Okino software into SpaceClaim can be done with JT, Rhino 3dm, VRML or Wavefront OBJ. |
PLY PLY can generally be considered a simple, 1990s-era, university research oriented polygonal (mesh) 3D file format designed to store data from 3D scanners. It was developed by Greg Turk and others in the Stanford graphics. Its design was inspired by the Wavefront .obj format. PLY was meant to be a simple, easily parsable file format and hence only conveys basic geometry information for a single object definition with polygon vertices, vertex colors vertex normals and UV texture coordinates. No materials nor hierarchy, lights or cameras are supported. |