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How to convert I-DEAS to DirectX (.x)?

PolyTrans|CAD+DCC performs mathematically precise CAD, DCC/Animation, GIS and BIM 3D file conversions into all key downstream 3D packages and file formats. Okino software is used and trusted throughout the world by many tens of thousands of 3D professionals in mission & production critical environments, backed by respectable personal support directly from our core development team.



I-DEAS was a CAD software package originally developed by SDRC in 1982. Unigraphics and I-DEAS were merged into "NX" (or Unigraphics NX). Siemens AG would eventually come to own "NX" by 2007 by which time it is now referred to as "Siemens PLM Software".

Okino's VRML importers were tweaked in their early days to specifically import VRML files from the I-DEAS software; this is the preferred method of data translation. Other supported formats are IGES, STL and VDA-FS.



.x files are the native 3D file format of the legacy Microsoft DirectX v2/v3 API and 3D toolkit. They were generally associated with 3D gaming whereby low polygon meshes with skinning (deformation) and "animation sets/clips" were the required norm. At the time of its introduction in 1995 there really wasn't any other similar 3D file formats which supported these capabilities in one, well defined and easily accessible format. Direct3D shipped for the first time in the DirectX 2.0 SDK in June 1996

Historically, the DirectX technology was developed a company called Rendermorphics of the UK which Microsoft purchased in February 1995. As little known history, 3 companies in the UK developed advanced realtime rendering toolkits prior to 1995: Argonaut Software (BRender), Criterion Software (RenderWare) and Rendermorphics (Reality Lab). Microsoft was to license the Argonaut 3D toolkit but opted to purchase the entire Rendermorphics company instead, at the last moment. As these various toolkits often sold for $50k at that time, the other two competitors eventually went out of business once Microsoft started giving DirectX away for free.

Okino knows of the .x file format well as it was the first company to properly and fully implement a DirectX importer and exporter, including full support for skinning and animation at a time when no other software provided such conversion support.

The DirectX file format had a long life until some people inside and outside of Microsoft started to push the FBX file format instead.