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How to convert IGES (.igs) to Okino Transfer File (.bdf)?

PolyTrans|CAD+DCC performs mathematically precise CAD, DCC/Animation, GIS and BIM 3D file conversions into all key downstream 3D packages and file formats. Okino software is used and trusted throughout the world by many tens of thousands of 3D professionals in mission & production critical environments, backed by respectable personal support directly from our core development team.



IGES was the defacto 'go-to' MCAD translation file format but has long since been overtaken by the STEP file format. IGES and STEP are equally good file formats to translate CAD and MCAD model data files but it all depends on how well the files are exported from the corresponding MCAD modeller software.

As an ANSI standard since 1980, IGES has been used in the automotive, aerospace, and shipbuilding industries. Version 5.3 (1996) is the last published and stable standard of IGES. IGES is one of the original CAD vendor-neutral 3D data translation file formats which was designed for high fidelity data exchange between all major professional 3D modelling applications. IGES uses the .igs and .iges file extensions.

Okino's PolyTrans|CAD provides for a defacto 3D IGES file conversion solution used by the world's primary & professional engineering, aerospace, military, corporate, animation/multi-media and VR/AR industries.

A much deeper overview plus explanation of IGES, and how it can be best used + understood, is outlined in this Okino WEB page. It is vitally important to understand the differences between "old school" and "new school" IGES files, as this is little understood by most 3D graphics users.


Okino Transfer File

The Okino .bdf file format is the native format used by Okino's PolyTrans and NuGraf products. It is a "snap shot" of the core Okino 3D scene graph database and in essence is a super-set of the capabilities of most 3D files formats. It is the preferred and best file format to use when converting data between 3ds Max (via the PolyTrans-for-3dsMax native plug-in system) and Maya (via the PolyTrans-for-Maya native plug-in system).