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How to convert Blender (.blend) to JT (Jupiter Tessellation)?

PolyTrans|CAD+DCC performs mathematically precise CAD, DCC/Animation, GIS and BIM 3D file conversions into all key downstream 3D packages and file formats. Okino software is used and trusted throughout the world by many tens of thousands of 3D professionals in mission & production critical environments, backed by respectable personal support directly from our core development team.



Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software tool set used for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D-printed models, motion graphics, interactive 3D applications, virtual reality, and, formerly, video games. Blender v1.0 was first released in January 1995.

Based on decades of hand's on experience with Blender, 3D files can be imported and exported between Okino's conversion software and Blender using COLLADA. Second runner-up would be FBX. Okino software allows for the conversion of all major 3D DCC, animation, CAD, MCAD, GIS and AEC files for Blender usage. The .blend native file format is not directly supported.



"JT" is the predominant and lightweight 3D visualization file format for PLM. JT is used throughout the product development lifecycle in all major industries to communicate the critical design information typically locked up inside a CAD file. JT data can be very lightweight, holding little more than facet data or it can be richer and hold associations to the original CAD information, assemblies, product structure, geometry, attributes, meta data and PMI. It supports multiple tessellations and level-of-detail generation.

Okino was one of the very first members of the Siemens 'JT Open' initiative and hence we provide excellent support for the import and export of JT files. We do not use reverse engineered toolkits but rather the officially licensed runtime systems from Siemens Corp.