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How to convert ArchiCAD (.pln,.pla) to OpenGL C Code (.cpp)?

PolyTrans|CAD+DCC performs mathematically precise CAD, DCC/Animation, GIS and BIM 3D file conversions into all key downstream 3D packages and file formats. Okino software is used and trusted throughout the world by many tens of thousands of 3D professionals in mission & production critical environments, backed by respectable personal support directly from our core development team.



ArchiCAD is a popular architectural package developed by Graphisoft Corp.

The recommended way to export 3D data from ArchiCAD and into Okino software is with the special CINEMA 4D Add-On module for the ArchiCAD software. This data can then be imported into Okino software with our dedicated and native CINEMA 4D importer.

Exportable file formats from ArchiCAD are C4D, DXF/DWG, .3ds, Electric Image FACT, U3D, VRML and Wavefront OBJ. Out of these, the U3D and VRML file formats would be acceptable.


OpenGL C Code

OpenGL is a cross-platform application programming interface (API) for rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics. The API is typically used to interact with a graphics processing unit (GPU), to achieve hardware-accelerated rendering.

Okino's OpenGL export converter writes out the scene database as a C code program in the Open GL scene description language. The resulting program can then be compiled and used to draw the 3D database directly using OpenGL. The database is output as a series of polygons with vertex positions, normals, colors and texture coordinates. In addition, the surface definitions (materials) associated with each polygon is used to set up the OpenGL shading parameters. Please note that each object is output as a separate C code function in the resulting file.