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PolyTrans-for-Maya Screen Snapshots
PolyTrans-for-Maya Screen Snapshots
Screen snapshots of PolyTrans running inside Maya
Solid Edge CAD assembly imported directly into the Maya using PolyTrans-for-Maya.
SolidWorks CAD assembly imported directly into the Maya using PolyTrans-for-Maya.
"De Espona" Concept car - converted from 3ds max to Maya using Okino's
bidirectional PolyTrans-for-3dsMax and
PolyTrans-for-Maya conversion system.
'Christie Antique Fire Pumper'
A 'Load & Go' import incl. all assigned textures & environment maps.
Mustang fighter airplane imported from native LightWave files directly into Maya.
Screen snapshot of the stand-alone Windows version of PolyTrans