PolyTrans-for-Maya - Moving Data Between Maya and 3ds Max

Autodesk Maya users will want to use the Okino .bdf
file format at all times to move data to/from Maya and 3ds Max. Okino has
developed a native plugin version of PolyTrans for both Maya and 3ds Max.
Since 3ds Max can't read/write Maya files, and Maya can't read/write 3ds Max
files, the .bdf file format is the best method to cleanly transfer data
between these two programs. In essence, the .bdf format forms a conduit or
data pipeline between the two programs just as if they were connected
directly with the PolyTrans internal database forming the connecting bond.
To reiterate, to move Maya data to 3ds Max, stand-alone PolyTrans or NuGraf,
export out a .bdf file from Maya then read it into these application programs.
Vice versa, a .bdf file can be written out by any of these programs and read
into Maya directly. Inside Maya and 3ds Max, the .bdf file is read/written
using the special PolyTrans plugin modules for both Maya and 3ds Max.
Exchanging Native Data Between 3ds Max and Maya via PolyTrans |
A pivotal aspect of the Okino software for many of our users are the PolyTrans-for-3dsMax and PolyTrans-for-Maya native plug-in systems. These modules allow 3ds Max and Maya to directly import/export all of the Okino supported file formats from within their respective user interfaces. Other common uses of the plug-in systems is for bidirectional 3ds-max/Maya conversions (via the Okino .bdf file format), import & optimization of large CAD datasets from all major 3D CAD packages & file formats, import/export to all 3D gaming file formats (including skinned mesh and
skeleton conversions), OpenFlight VisSim conversions, and of course bidirectional conversions to most
other 3D file formats and software packages (from Lightwave, to Softimage, CINEMA 4D, COLLADA, FBX, VRML2/X3D,
DirectX and dozens more).
Click image to view larger 800x950 pixel version
![[MAX and Maya data echange]](/conv/pt4max_maya_block.gif)